How to Stop Receding Gums From Getting Worse?

Protecting your Gums and Teeth Against Receding With Proper Oral Health Routine

Gum recession is caused by the increased loss of bone support and gum tissue thinning. You might notice that your gums are becoming more exposed when you brush your teeth each day. It is time to consult an oral health specialist.

Oral health is the easiest way for your gums to stay healthy and prevent receding. Regular dental visits and brushing are a smart way to prevent plaque bacteria buildup on your teeth. This will prevent receding gum tissue from happening.

Dental professionals recommend regular brushing because it removes plaque bacteria that cause gum disease. Use gentle pressure to brush all surfaces of the teeth and chewing surfaces. Daily flossing is preferred to remove food particles and debris from your own gums.

Why do Gums recede?

Gum disease, which can cause tooth loss, is a condition that can't be treated and must be addressed immediately. To avoid receding gums from happening, you should do all you could to keep it from happening.  Useful reference

Recessive gums can be caused by poor hygiene, hard brushing, or aging. Your gum tissue does not regenerate like other tissues. Recessive gums are therefore unable to grow back.

Recessing gums are bad!

Receding Gums is a serious concern if your roots are exposed to the elements. It can lead to tooth loss, disease, and cavities. Receding gums could be prevented by regular dental visits and an excellent oral hygiene routine. Receding gums are a result of plaque bacteria being left in place for an extended period.

You can reverse gum recession in the event that you begin treatment in an early stage. There are numerous treatment options designed for severe gum disease, which can cause tooth sensitivity, pain, infection, or other symptoms.

These include deep cleaning, medication, and grafts.

Gum recession could be a common condition. But, most people don't notice that their gums are receding until too late.

This page will help you understand the symptoms and how to treat receding teeth.

Receding gums symptoms are common:

Symptoms of receding gums include:


  • Bleeding gums
  • Red-colored, inflamed gums
  • Halitosis
  • Pain
  • Shrinking gums
  • Exposed gum root
  • Loose teeth
  • Gaps between teeth.

Recess gums are caused by:

Listed below are factors that may cause gum recession:

Aggressive brushing

Brushing too hard or brushing the teeth for more than two minutes can lead to receding gums. Gum recession could be prevented by brushing gently and using fluoride toothpaste.

Toothbrushes that have medium-to-severe bristles could cause gum disease and receding gums. You need to use a toothbrush that has softer bristles. Your toothbrush should not be pressed too much. You ought to brush your teeth gently enough never to damage the enamel. Your actions and pressure are less important when cleaning your teeth than how hard you brush them. Allow the tips to do all of the work while you brush your teeth using firm bristles.

Electric toothbrushes allow you to guide the toothbrush with out a lot of brushing difficulty, preventing gum damage. Because they don't require as vigorous brushing to remove plaque bacteria, this is why electric toothbrushes are very easy to use. But, you shouldn't do the back-and-forth motions that are typical of an electric toothbrush. You are able to direct the brush, and it will do the others. Ask your dentist for more information about brushing.

Teeth grinding, clenching and clenching

Bruxism is an oral condition where one clenches and grinds their teeth. If you clench or grind your teeth nightly, you could have bruxism. This can lead to tooth problems, receding gums and jaw pain. Teeth grinding can result in:

Your teeth, crowns or jaw can be damaged

Occasional headaches or migraines

Grave pain in your jaw

If the disorder or dysfunction of your temporomandibular bones is present, clicking may occur in your jaw when your jaw opens and closes.


Smokers are three- to six times as likely to get gum disease than non-smokers, which can result in the loss of teeth. Gum tissue irritation is due to smoking or chewing smokeless tobacco services and products. This can cause gums to recede around teeth. The plaque bacteria on a smoker's teeth are more likely to form tartar compared to the bacteria on nonsmokers' teeth, resulting in periodontal disease. Professional help is needed if plaque does not get removed. Tartar, which can harden and be a difficult substance, can be formed if it is not removed.

Also, smoking can cause gum disease. Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop plaque bacteria that may lead to gum disease. The oxygen in your bloodstream is reduced by smoking, which means infected gums can't heal.

Smoking, chewing, and other tobacco products can cause damage to your gum tissue. In addition , nicotine-containing substances and gooey ingredients in vape pens can also be harmful.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy and menopause, can increase blood flow to the gums. This increase in blood circulation can make your gum tissue more sensitive to toxins and cause it to react differently to them.

Insufficient Oral Care:

Neglecting to clean your teeth regularly, such as flossing around the gumline every day and brushing them daily, can lead to food particles and plaque buildup between teeth. This could cause periodontal disease. Gum disease, the most frequent cause for receding gums, is also referred to as gum disease. Gum disease is the most common cause of receding gums. Regular flossing can help prevent this from happening.


Your genetic makeup is often the underlying reason behind receding gums, which will be worsened by neglecting your teeth and mouth.

Tooth misalignment:

Crooked or misaligned teeth have many deep crevices that make it difficult to completely clean them thoroughly. Gum recession can lead to tooth sensitivity to cold and hot items. Crooked teeth are also much more likely to develop cavities, leading to poor dental health. Gum disease can be more likely to develop when plaque builds up.

Options for treatment

These are some treatments for receding teeth:


Flap surgery:

Flap surgery is a deep tissue cleaning that removes tartar and bacteria from the gums. This type of surgery can be performed by a periodontist. They will lift the gums, then place them back in their original positions. The receded gums can make the teeth look longer.

Tissue Grafts:

The best treatment for receding gums is an oral surgery procedure and grafts. A dental gum graft is achieved by removing tissue and stitching it over receding gums. Probably, you will have stitches in just a couple of locations. After the site heals the typical appearance of the gum line has been achieved and the root may then be successfully covered.

Scaling & Root Planing:

In the event that you notice that your gums are receding, you'll be able to visit a dentist and have scaling and root planing done. This is a deeper cleaning that focuses on the tooth surface and below the gum line and root. Scaling and Root Planing is a procedure that helps remove tartar that professional dental cleaning can't remove. Also, it smoothens the roots to prevent strep from binding. This Page

Natural Remedies to Recede Gums


These natural remedies can be utilized for receding gums.

Oil pulling:

Oil pulling is an effective way to lessen the amount of plaque and bacteria that causes receding gums. Swish two tablespoons of oil for twenty minutes. After spitting the oil, rinse your mouth with saltwater and brush your teeth.

Saltwater Rinse:

Saltwater can be used to reduce inflammation of the gum line. It should be done 3 x daily.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera might help with tooth decay and is a powerful antiseptic. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well as anti-bacterial qualities. Aloe vera may be used to reduce inflammation and swelling associated with gum disease.


Gingivitis or gum inflammation, that leads to receding gum lines, may be reduced by consuming turmeric. Turmeric has curcumin, which has a long list of properties that include anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Oil pulling:

Oil pulling- Ayurvedic practices of rubbing oil into the mouth have been proven to reduce plaque formation in those experiencing gingivitis.

Take to the oil pulling technique by swishing a tablespoon of high-quality coconut oil in the mouth area for 20 minutes. It will pull out the oil between your teeth. Spitting out oil from your teeth and then washing with warm tap or salinewater before brushing. Sesame oil is traditionally the oil of preference.

Green tea extract:

Drinking green tea, frequently known because of its other medical benefits, may also help promote healthy teeth and gums and ward off disease.

Tea Tree Oil

A go-to natural method for combating gum disease is tea tree oil. The plant extract was found to somewhat reduce gum inflammation in a 2005 study. Additionally, it may prevent infection if taken early.

Eucalyptus oil:

Eucalyptus oils is an antiseptic. It soothes gum inflammation and stimulates new growth.

Prevention of Receding gums

Take care of your mouth to avoid gum recession. Brushing and flossing should be a daily habit. You should also visit your dentist and periodontist at the very least once a year. Following these dental health tips can prevent gum recession. It is best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to completely clean your teeth and to see your dentist often. To improve gum recession caused by misaligned teeth, contact your dentist. Deep cleaning can be carried out by your dentist.

Listed below are other ways you are able to prevent gum recession:

Stop smoking.

Eat a healthy diet plan.

You should be aware of the changes happening in your mouth.

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May i worry about a gum recession

Your gums are receding. Exposed roots cause sensitiveness to changes, including chemical and thermal.

Periodontal disease, if left untreated can cause irreversible damage to your teeth. It can also affect the bone and tooth structure.

What's the best way to treat gum recession? Is it possible to treat it before the loss of teeth?

It cannot be treated if it is already advanced. It isn't completely stopped.

However , you should take part in regular full-mouth periodontal cleanings and maintain your teeth' cleanliness to reduce the probability of gum recession.